Pout toi, j'irai décrocher la Lune: Amour & Maths
Vous trouverez dans ce mur virtuel, quelques ressources et articles scientifiques autour de l'amour et des maths, sujet de l'atelier 3 donné pour la Régionale de l'APMEP le 19 mai 2021.
Bonne lecture et belles découvertes!
V. Lemesle.
Pour aller plus loin sur les graphes et les mariages stables (plus plein d'autres choses!)
A Mathematical Model of Sentimental Dynamics Accounting for Marital Dissolution
Background Marital dissolution is ubiquitous in western societies. It poses major scientific and sociological problems both in theoretical and therapeutic terms. Scholars and therapists agree on the existence of a sort of second law of thermodynamics for sentimental relationships. Effort is required to sustain them. Love is not enough. Methodology/Principal Findings Building on a simple version of the second law we use optimal control theory as a novel approach to model sentimental dynamics. Our analysis is consistent with sociological data. We show that, when both partners have similar emotional attributes, there is an optimal effort policy yielding a durable happy union. This policy is prey to structural destabilization resulting from a combination of two factors: there is an effort gap because the optimal policy always entails discomfort and there is a tendency to lower effort to non-sustaining levels due to the instability of the dynamics. Conclusions/Significance These mathematical facts implied by the model unveil an underlying mechanism that may explain couple disruption in real scenarios. Within this framework the apparent paradox that a union consistently planned to last forever will probably break up is explained as a mechanistic consequence of the second law.
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Le problème des tourtereaux - Brèves de Maths
Le mathématicien espagnol José-Manuel Rey a récemment proposé une description originale de l’évolution des relations amoureuses. Ce travail, publié dans une revue prestigieuse, a...
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Love & Relationships
All successful relationships are built on the same premise: The Sound Relationship House theory by Drs. John and Julie Gottman.
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L'homme qui prédit les divorces en 15 minutes
Peut-on croire le chercheur John Gottman quand il assure lire l'avenir dans 91% des cas? «Mon objectif? Faire comme le type qui a inventé le Velcro, a un jour confié John Gottman, chercheur et expert du mariage. Personne ne se souvient de son nom,...
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Causette Hors Serie 2018
Wauer Love Dynamics